#1 Most visits (107 695) among all 20 GMF/GMF-Rs in CIUSSS Centre-Ouest de L'île-de-Montreal (2024)
  • Monday07:30-20:00
  • Tuesday07:30-20:00
  • Wednesday07:30-20:00
  • Thursday07:30-20:00
  • Friday07:30-17:30
  • Saturday07:30-11:30
  • Sunday08:00-13:00
Please note Saturdays are at our Satellite location.

Create your account on our Patient Portal

Sofy is a secure platform through which you can receive messages from your health care professional, book appointments with your family doctor or nurse practitioner, and view your list of past and future appointments.

You will be able to receive messages and documents, including results and requisitions.

Your data is protected and stored securely.

Create your account at: ofys.ca/sofy

Send us a Message

Feel free to ask any questions over the phone, or get in touch via our contact form.

Use this secure form to: Book or Cancel appointments, ask questions or sharing non-sensitive medical information.

Your message will be dispatched directly to our staff who will answer as soon as they can.

Policy to promote civility and prevent harassment and violence in the workplace

Santé Kildare fully endorses the CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal's Policy to promote civility and prevent harassment and violence in the workplace.

1. Every person is entitled to work in a healthy and civilized environment that is free of harassment and violence in any form. Santé Kildare has a zero tolerance policy for disrespectful and offensive conduct.

2. Santé Kildare is committed to promoting civility, respect and conflict resolution in all interactions occurring on the premises, in accordance with organizational values and the code of ethics in force.

3. Santé Kildare is also committed to taking appropriate action to provide a healthy and civilized work environment that is free of harassment and violence in any form to all those who contribute to the achievement of its mission

Patients who do not respect these policies will be removed from the practice.