#1 Most visits (107 695) among all 20 GMF/GMF-Rs in CIUSSS Centre-Ouest de L'île-de-Montreal (2024)

Pop Quiz

What medical treatment can do all of the following?

  • Decrease knee pain and disability due to arthritis
  • Help control sugar in diabetes
  • Decrease hip fractures in post menopausal women
  • Control high blood pressure
  • Reduce anxiety and depression
  • And improve overall quality of life


If you guys exercise, you are right!

Check out this great video by Dr. Mike Evans called 23 1/2 Hours about the benefits of 30 minutes of daily activity:


The current Canadian Activity Guidelines suggest adults get 150 minutes/week of moderate to vigorous activity and children should get 60 minutes of physical activity a day.  For the full guidelines see the link below:
