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Is Sugar Addictive?

Lately you hear a lot about how sugar is addictive just like some drugs.  But is there any scientific evidence to prove this?


It turns out that there may be some truth to this.  Studies have shown that sugar and other highly palatable foods can induce rewards and cravings the way some drugs do.  And, although more research is needed in humans, there is clear evidence in non humans that sugar and sweet foods can be even more rewarding than addictive drugs!

I have to say that from my personal experience I can see how sugary foods are addictive!  Staying away takes a lot of willpower.  So what can you do to get over your sugar addiction?

  • Try cutting down your sugar intake slowly, your taste buds will adjust to lower levels of sugar over time and you will crave it less
  • Choose healthy sweet treats.  Try eating fruit instead of the cookie, put some fruit puree on your oatmeal instead of sugar.  Although fruit has sugar it also has fiber that helps slow the digestion so your sugar level doesn’t rise too quickly
  • Try adding protein to each meal.  Healthy protein like lean chicken, nuts, eggs, low fat yogourt, and beans are great.  they help you feel full longer so you won’t be hungry and crave carbs


WebMD has a great slide show with information and tips on sugar addiction.  Check it out:



Reference: Ahmed, S.H., Guillem, K., & Vandaele, Y. (2013). Sugar addiction: pushing the drug-sugar analogy to the limit. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 16 (4), 434–439.