#1 Assiduité (92.1%), #1 Lowest % ER visits (1.7%) in CIUSSS Centre-Ouest de L'île-de-Montreal (2023-2024)

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Our Advantages

Pediatric Care
Newborns, infants, children, adolescents and teens are all welcome in our practice. All routine childhood vaccines are provided in our clinic. All vaccines are uploaded to the provincial registry.
Family Care
Consolidate care for the entire family in the same location. Your health needs are best understood in the context of the family's medical history.
Prenatal Care
Our physicians offer prenatal and obstetrical care. Whether you wish to be delivered by a family doctor, midwife or obstetrician, we can facilitate the process.
Multidisciplinary Care
Physicians at Sante Kildare are assisted by a qualified, caring team of health professionals including nurses, nurse practitioners, social workers, dietician, occupational therapy and a pharmacist.
Seniors Care
Whether it is organizing services in the home, reviewing complex medication profiles, screening for memory loss or supporting families, our team is here to help.
Comprehensive Care
The good physician treats the disease; we treat the patient who has the disease. Our goal is to provide care to the whole person, family and community.

Meet the Team

Family Physicians

Family Physicians

Santé Kildare is proud to be the home of a dynamic team of 21 family physicians. Each physician brings a unique expertise and personal style of practice. Our physicians work in North Quebec with Cree and Inuit communities, long-term and rehabilitation facilities, residences, foster homes and women crisis centres. Our physicians have backgrounds in Pediatrics, Women's Health, Palliative Care, Sport Medicine and Mental Health.

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GMF Satellite Physicians

GMF Satellite Physicians

As a Family Medicine Group, Santé Kildare is committed to offering support through comprehensive medical support to neighbouring family medicine practices. GMF Santé Kildare is privileged to have a strong, experienced network of satellite sites located in the Cavendish Mall, NDG, Hampstead and Montreal West.

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Sante Kildare benefits from the expertise of several dedicated specialists. These consultants, in Cardiology, Psychiatry, Internal Medicine, Sport Medicine and Neurology, support the clinic's primary care mission by collaborating on management plans and recommending treatment options. Our specialists also accept referrals via CRDS, Quebec's centralized booking network.

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Multidisciplinary Team

Multidisciplinary Team

Our multidisciplinary team is rapidly growing. As GMFs assume greater roles in community health, services from the CLSC are being transferred to support this larger mission. We are fortunate to benefit from the services of nurses, nurse practitioners, social workers, dietician, and pharmacist.

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Proudly serving the community since 2011

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